Thursday, August 16, 2012

Back to School Madness

As I'm getting ready to go back to school (teaching that is!), I haven't had a ton of time to blog but I will update some of this weeks escapades through pictures

Enter the 'End of Summer' Garage Sale.  

I'm hoping to make enough for a new front door.

Something like this....

But we'll see what I can find.  

Have a wonderful Friday and if you're in Michigan, stop by the sale!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Linking up with the adorable Megan at Mackey Madness

Sometimes: I feel like my summer vacation has not been like a vacation at all.  (grad school, freshmen class meetings, float building, part time work (oh retail...))

Always:  I remember that getting up at 5 am is MUCH worse.

Sometimes: I feel like nothing ever goes my way.

Always: Life seems to cut me a break here and there.  (cue the City of T***** Police Officer who thought I was (rightly) about to burst into tears when he pulled me over for speeding.  After mentioning I was a City of T***** teacher he let me go with a warning.)

Sometimes: I really try to organize my time so I can plan healthy meals and go to the gym.

Always: Its 5 pm and I have a class meeting to go to, food to make and I'm running out the door.

Here's some pictures from our trip to the Toledo Zoo yesterday :)

Isn't this baby elephant adorable?

Have a lovely Tuesday!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving these new shoes I dyed for $7!

(tutorial and better pictures to come!)

I'm loving that I get to meet the new 9th graders I'll be working with as class advisor tomorrow!

I'm loving that I finally decided on a quote for my new Erin Condren Planner!  It was a close one between this and "Not all who wander are lost"

I'm loving my new gel glue tanks I made (note the Mr. Darcy proposal :) )

(again a tutorial and better pics to come!)

I'm loving that I have awesome friends that help me organize my office (for the most part, it was much worse).

Have a Great Wednesday!
