I've been neglecting my blog this week and I feel guilty!! Unfortunately this was one of those weeks at school...and finals are next week. I have some great posts for next week though so hopefully that makes up for it. ;)
1. The phrase or punctuation I overuse most is... I love ellipses...they are great for separating thoughts and punctuating how I would actually speak, so versatile!
2. Today I am thankful for having a job. Even though this has been the best/worst year of my life (welcome to the first year of teaching!), it has also been the most rewarding. For every unforseen issue, late night planning, subbing on my prep, and 125 essays to grade, teaching high school is never a dull moment and my students are great (well 99% of them ;) )
3. My best friend is (are) quite a few people. I have some great friends from H.S./College that have stuck by me through everything, they are truly amazing people!
4. A quirky thing about me is that I am a bit OCD for organization, locking doors, etc. I like things to be in a certain place and I have to check every door to make sure it's locked, when I go to bed (and maybe a couple times before that...)
5. This weekend I am going to try to relax. I also want to go to the gym (2x) and buy a scale so I can track my progress and keep myself accountable!! If you know of any great weight loss link ups let me know!
6. Something that worries me is whether I'll have a job next year...my district hands out a lot of pink slips :(
7. On my night stand you would find my cell phone. Unfortunately my temporary night stand is the smallest table ever made and my droid and maybe a remote will fit on it. I need to find some cute and affordable night stands that will match our color scheme for the bedroom. Let me know if you have any ideas!
Have a Great Weekend!!!
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