Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

Just before 6 my school district called our snow day. Between the Blizzard warning and estimates of 7-16 inches of snow, I'm looking forward to a day of catching up on work and relaxing.

A good end to an otherwise blah Tuesday. Since we're on the trimester schedule we're just past the halfway point in the 2nd trimester and a couple weeks away from our Mid-Winter break. The kids are cranky and restless and so is most of the staff. :/

Mid-way through writing this I heard a thump/whirring sound and went into the office to find most items knocked over and Oliver sitting on the printer playing with the buttons/paper. While I've been told this is somewhat unusual, we have a large kennel that Oliver stays in while we're at work, precisely to keep him from trashing the house. Unfortunately his cage and his litter box are in the office, so keeping him out of there is not really an option. I also made the lovely discovery of finding part of the blinds chewed off, ugh. I would imagine this is only a fraction the work of having a small child.

Tomorrow's To-do List:

1.) Clean office/kitchen/living room
2.) laundry, laundry and more laundry
3.) grade 80 tests
4.) Plan out my Civil Rights and Congress Units, print tests and study guides
5.) take a nap

Hopefully posting this will be a motivator!!

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